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Experimental Determination of the Electrostatic Nature of Carbonyl Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions Using IR-NMR Correlations

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dc.contributor.advisor Bagchi, Sayan
dc.contributor.author Kashid, Somnath
dc.contributor.author Bagchi, Sayan
dc.date.accessioned 2023-10-10T03:34:32Z
dc.date.available 2023-10-10T03:34:32Z
dc.date.issued 2014-09-18
dc.identifier.other https://doi.org/10.1021/jz501613p
dc.identifier.uri https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12252/6238
dc.description.abstract Hydrogen-bonding plays a fundamental role in the structure, function, and dynamics of various chemical and biological systems. Understanding the physical nature of interactions and the role of electrostatics in hydrogen-bonding has been the focus of several theoretical and computational research. We present an experimental approach involving IR–13C NMR correlations to determine the electrostatic nature of carbonyl hydrogen-bonding interactions. This report provides a direct experimental evidence of the classical nature of hydrogen-bonding interaction in carbonyls, independent of any theoretical approximation. These results have important implications in chemistry and biology and can be applied to probe the reaction mechanisms involving carbonyl activation/stabilization by hydrogen bonds using spectroscopic techniques. en
dc.format.extent 5 en
dc.language.iso en_US en
dc.publisher The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters en
dc.subject Vibrational probes en
dc.subject Solvatochromism en
dc.subject spectroscopy en
dc.subject chemical exchange en
dc.subject Water/DMSO solution en
dc.title Experimental Determination of the Electrostatic Nature of Carbonyl Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions Using IR-NMR Correlations en
dc.type Article en
local.division.division Physical and Materials Chemistry Division en
dc.description.university -- en

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